What is Hydrokinesis?
Before we start with this guide, we should first find a definition and ask: what is hydrokinesis? It is the ability to control water. It allows you to manipulate liquid with the power of your mind. The body water level in humans is about 65% and is something you want to remember as it can help you connect with the water.
In order to move it you need to be part of it and feel a strong connection between you and the water which is an important rule for any type of telekinetic ability.
But since you consists mainly of water it might be easier for you to create a connection and get an understanding of what the water feels like and what it feels like to be water. That’s how you understand what hydrokinesis is. It also vibrates with a higher vibrational frequency so making sure you are sending out positive high vibrations may also help you connect with the water. To help you with your process, you should watch this hydrokinesis subliminal, to learn the power much faster:
Hydrokinesis Subliminal Sleep Audio:
What does Hydrokinesis mean?
Hydrokinesis is the ability to control and manipulate water in all shapes, sizes and forms. This power can also be associated with cryokinesis, the ability to manipulate ice.
People who are skilled in Hydrokinesis are capable of using water in all its forms, namely, in the form of liquid, solid or even gas. Skilled Hydrokinetics are capable of manipulating and molding water into any desired form of shape.
When you are just starting, you will want to understand Hydrokinetics in depth.
Uses of Hydrokinesis
Hydrokinesis is one of the greatest powers to learn as an estimated 70% of the Earth is covered in water. This makes hydrokinesis very useful in everyday life as water is easily accessible in most places and we come into contact with water usually multiple times a day.
There are quite a fair few uses for this power; some are not everyday uses but most are which can be very beneficial.
Everyday Uses for Hydrokinesis?
One example of how hydrokinesis can be used is if you are in the water (at a beach, river, lake or pool) and your friend keeps splashing you; using your power one will be able to pummel them with water so that they stop. It can also just be used for fun or to send a message.
Life becomes a whole lot easier and a whole lot better. One of these daily uses is the dehydration of fruit. When you learn hydrokinesis to a deeper extent, water can be manipulated when contained in almost anything. This means a user of this ability can withdraw water from fruit. Thus making dehydrated fruit which is great to snack on.
Another everyday use of this ability could be for a wielder of this power to check the water in their car without opening the hood. With experience, users of this ability can easily estimate water masses through the difficulty they are to manipulate. This can make menial tasks like popping the hood and checking the water in the radiator a whole lot simpler. Once one has taken the time to learn hydrokinesis and has gathered experience in the ability, they can easily turn this task into a simple procedure that requires no physical content with the radiator.
Life-Saving Uses for Hydrokinesis?
A more extreme use for this power would be if there was a tsunami, an expert wielder of this power would be able to slow it down or in some cases stop it entirely. Of course, to be able to stop a tsunami one would have to have an incredibly strong source of power which would take years of time and practice to reach this point.
A much smaller use for hydrokinesis than a tsunami could be simply making a water bubble using this power. I would suggest this be the first thing to do when starting to learn hydrokinesis as it will be the easiest thing to learn before progressing up to greater bodies of water.
This is due to the fact that when implementing hydrokinesis, the size of the body of water being targeted directly affects the extent a user can manipulate it to; this along with the fact that experience dictates the effectiveness of the ability makes it a necessity to initially practice on as small of masses of water as possible before attempting larger masses of water.
Usage of this ability can then be scaled up slowly in regards to mass until the point where massive sections of water can be manipulated.
Another use of hydrokinesis stems from the existence of water in a multitude of different objects and even people. As more experience is gained through practice and use of this ability; users will be able to manipulate water in more difficult positions.
For example, ocean water would be harder to manipulate at first due to the amount of salt present in it. But with practice, saltwater can be manipulated with ease and the same applies to other things that contain water mixed with other things. This is a big use for wielders of hydrokinesis as a vast majority of foods contain some amount of water.
Establish an easier connection to Cryokinesis.
There is one other power that plays a part in hydrokinesis; that power is cryokinesis. Cryokinesis is an incredibly strong power which means a wielders ability really comes into play when performing this power.
The things that can be accomplished when wielding this power can be from turning a tiny patch of water into ice to an extreme amount of power that can, in theory, create an avalanche which as we all know is one of the most powerful and treacherous things to happen in arctic places.
Cryokinesis is one tiny aspect of what can be achieved when wielding the power of hydrokinesis; its focus is purely on ice, whilst hydrokinesis is based around the manipulation of water.
Open a deeper link to Hemokinesis.
Or to go even bigger, over 50% of blood is made up of water… Once mastered the ability to control blood actually evolves into an entirely new kinetic ability called Hemokinesis. And it brings a whole new range of problems, solutions and things to think about.
When you consider the impact blood flow has on the body, it’s clear to see why this is such a big use. Hydrokinesis (specifically Hemokinesis) wielders can save themselves and the lives of people bleeding excessively. By slowing the flow of blood through the body thus causing the bleeding to slow down.
This can provide a lot of extra time to seek medical attention or treat oneself. Obviously this takes a lot of experience to pull off though. The immense focus required alone makes this task all the more difficult. A more conniving use of this capability of hydrokinesis though could be to cause death.

By slowing blood flow to the point it halts entirely or accelerating it forcing the heart to beat at a tremendously faster rate; a user of this power has the ability to end a life. Obviously, this would be highly advised against, however, it is a notable and powerful use this ability grants.
Limits of Hydrokinesis
Outside of the plethora of uses that comes alongside learning hydrokinesis, there are still some limits. The first of which is the main limitation that comes up when discussing any ability.
Range: Distance of how far away you can control water.
That is the range it can be used. If there is a cup of water 100 meters away but still in view could you manipulate the water in it? That’s a difficult question to answer as it is both a yes and no. It is entirely dependent on two factors; obstacles in between you and the cup and the experience of the user.
If a wielder of hydrokinesis was in an open field with just a cup of water on a little platform 100 meters away and the user had a year of experience under their belt; obviously it’d be easy for them to manipulate the water inside the cup.
Volume: Volume of how much water you can control.
The second and only other notable limitation that comes to mind when discussing hydrokinesis relates to the aforementioned discussion of water mass. The heavier the mass of water being manipulated is the more it will physically exhaust the body. This can stop the attempted manipulation in its tracks solely out of exhaustion or it can make it extremely difficult to perform this ability more throughout the same day.
Location: Where you are located.

H2O… all though very abundant here on earth covering the majority of the planet in it doesn’t mean that it’s always near you. If you’re stranded on a desert or locked away somewhere then instantly your battle prowess drops to zero. Although there are a few backup plans most masters can rely on such as their own bodily fluids like sweat, urine or even their own blood… these are all oftentimes used as a last resort to get out of a sticky situation.
How to learn Hydrokinesis
To learn hydrokinesis is an exceptional achievement. Having the ability to manipulate water is an incredible thing. It’s hard to completely grasp how much water impacts everything until you learn hydrokinesis and use it to its full extent. The ability grants users the power over life and death. Blood flow can be slowed down or sped up using this ability and if you have knowledge on human anatomy; this is an extraordinary thing.
Outside of just having such the power over life and death of a person; hydrokinesis also brings a plethora of benefits to everyday life. Some of the daily uses of this power may seem medial, but in the long run and once you start doing them; the benefits are clear.

The Water Element connected in Hydrokineses (Aquakinesis)
The four-element doctrine was developed in ancient Greece. It describes that everything that exists – whether things, objects or people – consists of different compositions of the four elements fire, water, earth and air.
The philosopher Empedocles also assigned certain deities to the four elements, thus linking the elements with different properties. The element water, for example, is considered to be gentle, soft and yielding.
Spiritual meaning of Water regarding Hydrokinesis
Water has not only a health significance but also a great spiritual significance. What it looks like in detail, what you should consider when you take it and why it is advisable to treat water in a certain way is explained here.
Familiarizing Yourself with Water
When you’re starting with Hydrokinesis, the best thing to do is to remember to keep it simple and easy for yourself. Don’t get tempted into starting big. You’re not going to make a splash, and it will only dishearten you from trying again.
To start easy, get a bowl or a cup, or any other utensil you prefer and fill it with water. Try to choose items which are clear or opaque so you can see the water inside it. While water settles, try to meditate for a little while. This will help you to focus clearly on the water.
Once the water is still, project the energy you have on the water. It’s best if you do this with no real intention. Just direct a random, blow of energy at it. Now sharpen your focus. That should create small vibrations on the surface of the water.
Remember, you have to do this without actually touching the bowl of water so be careful to ensure you aren’t accidentally creating vibrations by brushing against the bowl or the table it is on. The vibrations in the water will be minuscule, so be careful in observing it. This is one of the most basic methods through which you can start training for Hydrokinesis.
If you feel that you are unable to make the water vibrate, focus all your energy on your finger and dip it, very gently in the water. Dip it in a manner so as not to disturb the surface of the water. If possible, place it just above the surface of the water. The water should vibrate, resonating with your energy. If you did it properly, this should happen without the water coming into contact with your finger.
Try to build a connection with the bowl of water so that you will not have to come into physical contact with it when you want to make it vibrate. When you can accomplish this small step, you are ready to move on to the next step. Remember, not everyone can get it right on their first try, and you may have to practice it for weeks or even months to achieve it. Time and patience are going to be your best friends if you want to learn Hydrokinesis.
Step 1: Preparation for Hydrokinesis
Start by finding the things you will need for the exercise. Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and find a quiet place to do the exercise where you will not be interrupted.
Step 2: Meditate
Find a comfortable meditation posture and meditate for five to ten minutes to allow your body and mind to completely relax. Even this is an important part of your hydrokinesis training. Make sure there are no tension and worrying thoughts in your mind and body, as this will only distract you and keep you from reaching the point of complete relaxation.
Step 3: Connection
Now sit in front of the water and work on getting to know everything about it. Feel it’s wet texture and temperature. Pay attention to it’s movements and with them feel the weight of the water and use your senses to hear.
Feel and smell the water once you feel like you know the water then you need to create a connection. Focus on what it feels like to be the water. Imagine it as a part of your body. How does it feel? What is it like to be water? Take your time with this step and only continue once you really feel a strong connection, like you know the water is part of you.
Hydrokinesis Training
Now that you have familiarised yourself with the water, it’s time to try something more. We will begin with a short and simple beginner exercise and then continue to more advanced methods.
Hydrokinesis for Beginners
Take your bowl of water and place a cork or any other object which is buoyant and floats in water and place it in the water. Wait for the item to settle. Once it settles, close your eyes and meditate a little. When you feel focused, try to sense the presence of the water in the bowl.
Connect with its energy and mingle it with your energy. In your mind, create a link between the water and you. Try to feel the coolness and smoothness of the water. Remember its properties and molecular structure and its vibrations.
Now, with your own energy, try to mimic those things. Your water and you should be one, connected.
Now remember, just as you can control your own energy, you should be able to control the energy of the water as well.
Now, open your eyes and take a look at the water in the bowl.
Keep reminding yourself that you are one with it. Keep your connection fresh in your mind and command or will the water to move, using only your energy. If you know how to do this with your own energy, you will find this easier to accomplish.
Now, try to make the water swirl. Aim to create a strong whirlpool in the pool, getting stronger and stronger and gaining more speed.
Keep doing this until you get tired or that you feel you have succeeded in achieving it. Remember to take a break if you feel mentally exhausted by this exercise. It can take more than a few tries to get it right.

Advanced Hydrokinesis Training
Now, it’s time to move on to something harder. In your sink, or if you have a pool, apply the same technique as you did above. Use something buoyant which can float in water and try to make it move by imagining currents which push at the object.
Imagine them becoming stronger and stronger like a riptide which pushes and pulls at anything caught in it. This will not always be something you can achieve within the first training session. You will have to try a few times before you master it. Remember, keep trying and avoid getting discouraged by a few failed attempts, you are a beginner after all, and it takes a lot of training to master it.
You can also try another exercise where you pour the water in a glass and try to absorb its energy. Meditate carefully and try to balance your energy with the energy of the water. Now imagine you are tearing or pulling the water apart and then pushing it back together. This practice will help you when you are just starting.
Once you have mastered these techniques, you can move on to more advanced steps like actually making the water rise out to meet you.
Remember that it takes weeks and months of practice even to achieve the smallest of results, so patience and persistence are going to be the main things you have to keep in mind. Stay motivated and keep practising. Once you set your mind to it, there is nothing it can’t achieve.

Hydrokinesis Exercises
There are different levels of advancement and you need to start with the first level and work your way up. This process can be very slow and it can easily take years to master the art of Hydrokinesis (or Aquakinesis) on an advanced level, so it takes patience and discipline.
Level one
Hand on the water gently, place your fingertips at the surface of the water. You will try to create ripples in the water by allowing your own energy to connect with the waters energy. So after completing the meditation and the connection creation, you will be ready to move the water.
Sit with your fingertips on the water and focus on moving. It will make the water move and imagine moving the water being as easy as moving your own arm since you have created this strong connection between you and the water.
Keep remembering what it feels like to be water to keep the connection. You can close your eyes for a moment to visualize the ripples in the water, allow your energy to fuse with the waters energy and let the energy vibrate in the water until you see it move. This may not work the first time or first couple of times, so keep trying.
Level two
Wall pool with your fingertips on the surface of the water on the side of the bowl. Focus on making the water spin. For this exercise, you can also use a glass of water which might make it easier for you to spin the water.
Before trying to spin it, try to create a whirlpool with your hands just to get used to seeing the water spin. Then let the water settle and now create the Whirlpool with your mind. Close your eyes and visualize the water spin. Imagine how it feels to be spinning water and keep the strong connection you have already created. Open your eyes and force the water to spin.
Level three
Hands over water, sit in front of your bowl and place your hands above but very close to the water. Imagine the water being part of you and you touching it with your psychic energies, until you see weebles under the surface.
Dip your fingertips on the surface of the water once in a while to strengthen your connection and understanding of the water. Keep in mind that you have to follow all these steps to really get the most efficient hydrokinesis training.
Level four
Create water. The air around us has small water particles in it and so once you reach the advanced state of Hydrokinesis, you may be able to control the water particles in the air and create liquid with the power of your mind.
Place your hands in front of you and focus on the space between them. Close your eyes and visualize the water particles in the air, force the water molecules together between your hands. Collect as many water particles as possible and combine them into solid water.
Open your eyes and keep focusing onto the space between your hands while you use the psychic energy, coming from your body to manipulate the molecules.
After some time, liquid should start to form between your hands or on the surface your hands rest on.

As described in detail here, water and its proper use can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

In addition to its function as the basis of life, it also has potential for your spiritual development, because if you have to take it with you, why not make sure that its effect is as beneficial as possible? I hope we could answer the question about what hydrokinesis is for you.